Moringa Powder

Moringa Powder


Rs. 400.00
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Rs. 1,100.00
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When it comes to moringa benefits, there are almost too many to count! Native to Africa and Asia, the Moringa Tree, or Moringa Oleifera to use its scientific name, is one of the most nutrient-rich plants in the world.

Aduna Moringa Powder is made from naturally-dried moringa leaves. It has a delicious spinachy green flavour, perfect for boosting curries, stews, casseroles, soups, salads, green smoothies and more. Moringa is:

25% plant protein including all 9 essential amino acids
24% fibre
A rich source of iron, vitamin K & E
A source of vitamin A & calcium
High in antioxidants

Price :

100g - Rs. 400.00
250g - Rs. 1,100.00

Category : Extra

Order Limit : Minimum 1.00 & Maximum 10

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